
The Student Hotels TSH

Vienna - Berlin

Transforming the Check-In Experience for The Student Hotels

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The challenge at hand was to seamlessly blend aesthetics with ergonomics to meet The Student Hotels' project target. The goal wasn't just a kiosk; it was a highly interactive check-in desk, neatly integrated into custom-made furniture. This case study delves into the development and implementation of Pulsar, a solution that redefined the check-in experience.

Key Objectives

Enhance the check-in process with an interactive and visually appealing design.

Create a versatile system capable of handling check-in and check-out operations seamlessly.

Integrate essential peripherals, including a card-encoding device, passport scanner, POS system, and printer, into the custom furniture.

The Pulsar Solution

Pulsar emerged as the solution to these challenges. This innovative check-in desk goes beyond traditional kiosks, providing a dynamic and immersive experience for guests. Its design strikes a balance between aesthetics and functionality.

Key Features

Ergonomic Design: Pulsar's design is not just user-friendly; it's designed for a smooth check-in process.

Interactive Lighting: Pulsar's design is not just user-friendly; it's designed for a smooth check-in process.

Multi-Functionality: Pulsar is equipped to handle card encoding, passport scanning, check-ins, check-outs, and offers POS capabilities, making it a comprehensive solution.

Furniture Embeded: Pulsar's design is not just user-friendly; it's designed for a smooth check-in process.


Pulsar transformed the check-in process for The Student Hotels. It became a focal point in their establishments, combining technology, style, and efficiency. The improved check-in experience left a positive impression on guests, enhancing overall customer satisfaction.


The Pulsar project exemplifies the impact of innovation in hospitality. By successfully merging aesthetics and ergonomics, it set a new standard for check-in experiences. Pulsar has redefined not only how guests check in but also how they perceive and engage with hotel services.

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